Last Class

Last day of our class was on Friday, and we discussed about how was our Capstone class and talked about our experience and some suggestions to improve the future classes. I earned good experience in this class. Before this class I didn’t have any idea about open sources. I am happy that we worked on an open source like OpenMRS and now I have the opportunity to work on OpenMRS whenever I want, and I can learn a lot of things that will help me for my future job.

Thank you to all people who helped me in this course. My professor, all people in OpenMRS, and my teammate.



I spent the last week to reinstall Vagrant and OpenMRS radiology module. Because they didn’t work properly. Our professor made a very good tutorial about how to setup everything. I deleted Vagrant and OpenMRS modules, and reinstall all of them based on the tutorial, and finally everything worked correctly. This week we were working on the RAD-138 issue, and we made some changes to some messages. Then we updated the radiology module. But right now when I test the radiology module it doesn’t work, and I am trying to fix it.